
Return Policy

At R GARDEN we do our best to deliver freshest plants possible. As nearly all of our products are made to order and perishable, all sales are final.

We will not compensate plants for damage or rot. Please be at your own risk for purchase.

R GARDEN require all information provided by the customer at the time of purchase to be true, and cannot be held responsible for any typos, incorrect entries or other inaccuracies therein. This includes, but is not limited to incorrect mailing addresses, client names and shipping dates.


在 R GARDEN,我们尽最大努力提供最新鲜的植物。 由于我们几乎所有产品都是按订单生产且易腐烂,因此所有销售都是最终的。

我们不会对损坏或腐烂的植物进行赔偿。 请自行承担购买风险。

R GARDEN 要求客户在购买时提供的所有信息都是真实的,并且不对其中的任何拼写错误、错误输入或其他不准确之处负责。 这包括但不限于不正确的邮寄地址、客户姓名和发货日期。

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